Who am I?

Suren Arora

My name is Suren Arora, Love Guru Suren Arora. I am an Astrologer, Palmist, A Hypnotist. I do Behavioral therapies, Emotional corrections, Trainings, Couples therapies and a lot more. More Information is available on the other pages. I am based in ON, Canada since 2005 and serving everyone from the best of my capabilities and capacities. My clients include people from all parts of the world, from all religions, cast, color etc. During my interactions with people, I have personally noted that one important thing missing in one’s life is “Love”. People in general seek love but don’t allow the love to flow outside. And I have struggled to understand that unless we exhale, how can we inhale love? Love is not what we can get, love is something to give, like fragrance from flowers, like fruits from trees, like light from Sun, like heat from fire, like tears from eyes. Everything is meant to outflow. Flowers don’t seek fragrance, nor does Sun seek light.

What is love anyways?

Love is a state of being when our positive and purest energies flow out at their best. These energies have great healing powers that heal everyone in it. The one who is at the giving end and the one who is at receiving end and everyone that becomes a medium. Love is not obsession, nor love is attachment, love is not an urge to mate, love is a state of blessing when suddenly the being find itself in a giving mode. Love is also beyond relationships; Love happens to us even when there is no social engineering involved in it. Like love for pets, love for the sky or even love for the food. There is no need of have an existing relationship for the love to happen. However just loving those who are related to us in not the purest form of love. When parents love their kids and do everything to support them, it is the same as a tree nurturing its branches, leaves, fruits and flowers. That is not love for others, that is taking care of one’s own extensions. When an energy flows from someone towards one’s extensions, it is mostly out of attachment. It is very important to understand and grow out of levels of attachments to love.

Love needs no attachments, love needs no relationships, it is for all, it is equal. It is beyond any religion, any nationality, any color, any cast and creed. Religions doesn’t teach us love as generally assumed and claimed, all religions are born out of love. Love is the real source of life in the universe. The earth loves and hence produces eatables. Water loves and hence needs no discrimination. Animals and birds love humans too but sense of fear comes in and create distance. At many places now and in the past animals, birds and humans have survived and lived together without any fear towards each other.

What is being Love Guru

Being love guru is not about being a leader, It is about being more human. It is a commitment to love everyone with open heart. Being love Guru is a decision to keep no anger, no hatred, and no complaints towards anyone for their thoughts, acts and every other reason. Being Love Guru is about forgiveness and seeking it too. It is a moment when one allows the miracle of love to happen beyond any political boundaries, color, caste and any other barrier. Being love Guru is agreeing to be a part of this large universe who is always in giving mode. There is no fee, there is no commitment, there is no badge to earn. It is a declaration to unite with Universe.